Did this illustration of my work mate, Sue's dog, Winston. Winston has got himself in a bit of trouble and needed to send someone an apology card. I did this image for the front of the card.
Worked on some more puppy styles and decided I wanted to get your feedback on what your preferred style. I will then look at implementing that style into some future puppy sketches. I won't however be using the Pawphans or Me Mate styles I developed for Moose as I don't want to leverage off their products and want to distance my personal work from those brands as much as possible. If I can get you to write in your top 5 preferences in order and i'll then tally the results. Hope you can help me out on this one. Mucho appreciado! :)
Was thinking to myslef this morning how funny it is to see an owner chasing their dog that has got off the leash and is chasing something. Take that amusing situation and place it in the low gravity of the moon and we have our very frustrating astronaut calling out in the vacuum of space as he pursues (in low gravity bouncing slow mo) his moon rover. :)
Observing my dog, Sam marking his turf this morning got me thinking about the similarities between dogs and grafitti artists. Both are territorial and mark their territory. Does this mean if you believe in reincarnation that if yopu are a grafitti artist you will come back as a dog? Or is it vice versa? I wonder what Sam's tag is? :)
Often when the idea happens you are never at the drawing board or wacom tablet, so i find it necessary to always carry a pen around and hope there is some drawing surface in the vicinity. In the case of yesterdays sketch, once again the idea came at a time when the drawing board was nmany miles away, and so i scibbled down the idea on the cruddiest bit of scrap paper i could find at hand. I kinda like look back at these images because they have their own individual charm.
Sometimes drawings just don't turn out as well as you hoped (I'm not gonna admit to just how often that happens! :) ). This one is the perfect example. The idea seemed good in my head but I rushed into it without any real thought to layout and composition...and the rest as they say is history. You can see the result.
Was digging through the image archives and dug up this old image. It was pre-Leela, and we looked a lil different back then, but looking at that image of myself, Alana and Sam still makes me laugh. :)
Did this one in my lunch break today after scribbling down the idea on a scrap piece of paper on the way to work. Its pretty nerdy humour, but i guess thats me in a nutshell... :)
To my great surprise I actually got invited to submit a piece to Expose 7 (an annual digital art publication). The piece I was approached about was my Coffee Monster - a somewhat iconic creature that has come to symbolise my early morning need for caffeine.
It was a piece that started as a black and white figure sketch and just grew from there. The piece hasn't been approved yet but i cross my fingers in hope. Just the invitation itself was very flattering.
The UFO theme in my last dog piece made me think of this piece I did a while. Titled 'Lil Invaders' it started off as a quick 30minute morning sketch that I did. After sitting on that sketch for a couple of months I decided to take it further.
It has a few technical inadequacies but I've always liked its charm.
I love drawing cute lil aliens and cute lil dogs. I guess thats why I like the Lilo and Stitch movie so much!:) Here we have an accident thats occured when certain interstellar craft are mistaken for other flying objects.
Got in some good sketch time over Sunday brunch. Have added most of the text on my Puppies at Play blog.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A bit of a work in progress. Have not had a chance to spend much time on it so far...
Well, its the day after and I must say I'm feeling pretty good. It was a great birthday and i'm feeling pretty good about things. So its back to reality and back to chasing the ball!
Struth!!! It's that time of year again. Man, they come round fast these days. I really should stop counting, but for the record that takes the tally to 35! I've started another blog as well as this one now. It focuses on my dog sketches and general love of dogs. Anybody interested in checking it out go to: http://puppiesatplay.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Watched the cricket last nite, so I sat there with a ball point pen and sketchpad in hand whilst I watched. I actually find i'm quite productive during the cricket. Maybe we should have the cricket on tv at work! :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Missed doing a sketch yesterday, as i was stuck in a hospital bed with no pen and paper! Arrrghh!
Car pooled in to work as a passenger today tho, so i got this lil sketch done
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Bit of a sin city/noir homage sort of happening here.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
started turning my little action dude sketch into vector art. Here's a progressive so far.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Watched Terminator 3 on television last nite and sat there with a ball point pen and sketch pad doing some more puppy scribbles. Here's what i came up with...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Urrggghhh! we have just suffered through a massive heatwave her in melbourne, end of last week and over the weekend. 3 nights in a row with no power either. No more of that thanks!!
Did this sketch last nite with the air con finally on, and watched a dismal performance from Australia in the cricket as they went down to the kiwis in very low scoring game.